Jon Stover & Associates
Bridging the Gap Between Business, Local Government, Nonprofits, and the Community

Scroll below to read about some of our recent media appearances and speaking engagements.

______ "Quantifying the Nighttime Economy in Your City" (February 2018) Jon presented at the 2018 Sociable City Summit in New Orleans, LA, organized by the Responsible Hospitality Institute. The session focused on how to quantify the role of the nighttime sector of a city or neighborhood's economy, and how to do so in a way that is as resource-efficient, useful, and actionable as possible.

______ "Using Data to Bolster Decisionmaking" (February 2018) Jon presented at a series of Downtown Retail Summits for the Tennessee Main Street Program. His interactive session included a review of applicable data sources, uses, and collection methods and discussed best practices for using data to inform decision-making and bolster program advocacy. Sessions were conducted in three cities over the course of three days: Jackson, TN , Columbia, TN, and Crossville, TN.

______ "How to Collect and Leverage Data" (June 2018) Jon presented at the Michigan Main Street Program's 2018 training session in Niles, MI. The interactive workshop recommended how to collect accurate data, provided resources for data collection, and described how Main Street Programs can best leverage such information to guide programming and bolster fundraising efforts.

______ "Quantifying the Nighttime Economy in Your City" (February 2018) Jon presented at the 2018 Sociable City Summit in New Orleans, LA, organized by the Responsible Hospitality Institute. The session focused on how to quantify the role of the nighttime sector of a city or neighborhood's economy, and how to do so in a way that is as resource-efficient, useful, and actionable as possible.