Jon Stover & Associates
Bridging the Gap Between Business, Local Government, Nonprofits, and the Community

Our Clients Help Shape Neighborhoods

Cultural Council of Palm Beach County (Palm Beach County, FL)
Dept of Small and Local Business Development (Washington, DC)
Michigan Economic Develop-ment Corporation (Lansing, MI)
Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (Nashville, TN)
Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (Florida)
City of Lake Worth (Lake Worth, FL)
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (Washington, DC)
Pasco County (Pasco County, Florida)
Atlanta Regional Commission (Atlanta, GA)
City of Chamberlee and City of Doraville (Georgia)
DC Office of Planning (Washington, DC)
Martin County (Martin County, Florida)
West Virginia Department of Commerce (Charleston, WV)

National Main Street Center (Chicago, IL)
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (Kansas City, MO)
MD-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (Prince George’s County, MD)
Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Agency (Lake Worth, FL)
Destination Congress Heights (Washington, DC)
Van Ness Main Street (Washington, DC)
Cleveland Park Business Association (Washington, DC)
Tenleytown Main Street (Washington, DC)
Ward 7 Business Partnership (Washington, DC)
Minnesota Avenue Main Street (Washington, DC)
Eastern Market Main Street (Washington, DC)
Barracks Row Main Street (Washington, DC)
Shaw Main Streets (Washington, DC)
H Street Main Street (Washington, DC)
Georgetown Main Street (Washington, DC)
Uptown Main Street (Washington, DC)
North Capitol Main Street (Washington, DC)
District Bridges (Washington, DC)
Rhode Island Avenue Main Street (Washington, DC)
Responsible Hospitality Institute (Scotts Valley, CA
Youth Entrepreneur Institute (Washington, DC
Crystal City BID (Arlington, VA)
Greater Brookland BID (Washington, DC)
Washington Family Church (Washington, DC)
Penn Institute for Urban Research, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)

Roadside Development (Washington, DC)
Hershey Corporation (Hershey, PA)
P Park Development (Prospect Park, NJ)
Four Points (Washington, DC)
Clark Realty Capital (Arlington, VA)
Sorg Architects (Washington, DC)
Menkiti Group (Washington, DC)
Neighborhood Restaurant Group (Washington, DC)
KIPP DC (Washington, DC)
Bundy Development (Washington, DC)
Delta Sigma Theta (Washington, DC)
Metro West Housing Solutions (Lakewood, CO)
Gordon Development (Albany, NY)
Lutron Electronics Inc. (Coopersburg, PA)
Why Hire JS&A?
We have the real estate and public sector experience and networks to provide the best insights and find the strongest opportunities available.
Hiring Jon Stover & Associates is faster and more economical than conducting research in-house. We’ve already done the due diligence: let us show you what we know.
As a third-party entity, Jon Stover & Associates can talk to the players and ask the questions that pose a challenge or conflict of interest for public sector agencies to do themselves.
Our clients love us, and keep coming back. Let us show you why!