Jon Stover & Associates
Bridging the Gap Between Business, Local Government, Nonprofits, and the Community

Project Experience: Case Studies
JS&A helps organizations incorporate new and innovative practices, but in many situations there is no need to reinvent the wheel. We apply case study analysis to a range of activities to help agencies, organizations, and businesses undestand best practices in their field and learn from some of their most sucessful peers.

NADO Case Study on Regional Consolidated Economic Development Strategies
Description coming soon

Instructional Case Studies:
Anchor Institutions as Economic Development Drivers
Description coming soon

Barracks Row Restaurant Suitability Analysis
Completed a three-part study analyzing the suitability of the Barracks Row Main Street commercial corridor in Washington, DC for additional restaurant development. The study included an in-depth existing conditions analysis, case studies of comparable commercial districts, and a community survey of area residents to identify and quantify neighborhood attitudes regarding local commercial activity.
Client: Barracks Row Main Street
Location: Washington, DC
For: Jon Stover & Associates

UNC Charlotte: Case Studies for College Town Development
Description coming soon

Buena Park: Case Studies for Destination Retail Developm't
Description coming soon

Talisker Tuhaye: Case Studies for Second Home Communities
Description coming soon