Jon Stover & Associates
Bridging the Gap Between Business, Local Government, Nonprofits, and the Community

Project Experience:
Corridor and Neighborhood Revitalization
Neighborhood revitalization is often the core objective of an economic development strategy. This means something different for different neighborhoods. It may entail helping to fill vacant retail spaces, encourage more residential density, address blight, reduce crime, or encourage more pedestrian activity. We’ve developed and implemented strategies to help make these changes in neighborhoods throughout the country.

Retail Assessment & Enhancement Strategy for H Street Main St
In 2015, H Street Main Street (HSMS) expanded its coverage to include portions of Bladensburg Road NE and Benning Road NE in addition to the H Street NE corridor. HSMS is in the process of assessing the existing conditions and developing programming to assist these new corridors. JS&A was retained by H Street Main Street to help the nonprofit assess retail conditions on Bladensburg Road NE and Benning Road NE, understand recent and projected trends, and develop strategies for creating a vibrant and sustainable retail atmosphere that serves the community.
Client: H Street Main Street
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Concept Development of the Crystal Pike Planning Corridor
JS&A was engaged by the Crystal City BID to help the nonprofit refine and articulate the Crystal Pike Corridor concept. JS&A developed a visually-oriented summary report geared toward a range of public stakeholders to communicate the need for the development of the Crystal Pike concept, especially as a tool for Arlington County transit planning and economic development.
Clients: Cystal City Business Improvement District
Location: Arlington, VA
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Downtown Lake Worth Arts and Culture Master Plan
Jon Stover & Associates was selected as part of a team with Lord Cultural Resources to undertake the Downtown Lake Worth Arts and Culture Master Plan. Overseen by the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County, the Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA), and the City of Lake Worth, the Master Plan aims to leverage a growing local arts scene as a central part of the greater downtown economic development strategy. JS&A conducted a market analysis including demographic projections, a cultural enhancement and economic development strategy, and a detailed implementation plan.
Clients: Cultural Council of Palm Beach County, City of Lake Worth, Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Agency
Location: Lake Worth, FL
Prime: Lord Cultural Resources

Hechinger Mall Site Visioning and Redevelopment Economic, Fiscal, and Community Impact
JS&A worked with a project team overseen by H Street Main Street to envision a redevelopment opportunity for an underutilized shopping mall at a key intersection in the H Street neighborhood in Washington, DC. JS&A helped develop a realistic yet visionary development program, conducted a detailed assessment of the ways in which the program would impact the local and city-wide community, and undertook an engagement effort to communicate the opportunity at hand and incorporate stakeholder feedback before working more closely with site owners and city officials.
Clients: H Street Main Street
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Congress Heights Retail Market Analysis and Support Strategy
JS&A was commissioned by Destination Congress Heights to help the nonprofit assess retail conditions in Congress Heights’ commercial corridor along Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue in order to understand recent and projected trends and develop strategies for promoting a vibrant and sustainable retail atmosphere that serves the Congress Heights community.
Client: Destination Congress Heights
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Cleveland Park Retail Market Analysis & Enhancement Strategy
The District of Columbia Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development retained JS&A in a competitive bid process to educate the Cleveland Park Business Association (CPBA) about retail market opportunities and work with the neighborhood nonprofit to develop strategies to enhance local business conditions and
help revitalize the neighborhood. JS&A conducted a detailed retail and office market analysis, worked closely with members of the business association, delivered and evaluated surveys to better understand business owner needs and concerns, and developed a retail enhancement strategy in collaboration with CPBA and city staff.
Clients: DC Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Tenleytown Retail Market Analysis & Enhancement Strategy
JS&A was retained by the recently-formed Tenleytown Main Street (TMS) to conduct a neighborhood market analysis and business enhancement strategy to help the new nonprofit and its stakeholders assess the economic conditions along the retail corridor and understand recent and projected trends. Building on the analysis findings, strategies were developed to help enhance the area's retail atmosphere and provide support to local business and commercial property owners.
Clients: Tenleytown Main Street
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Buford Highway Masterplan Real Estate & Demographic Analysis
The Buford Highway Masterplan is part of the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) and aims to revitalize and enhance the Buford Highway corridor. As a subconsultant to Mosaic Urban Partners and Canvas Planning Group, JS&A conducted a market analysis detailing neighborhood demographics and real estate conditions and trends to better understand stakeholders needs and assess the opportunities and limitations for real estate development along the Buford Highway Corridor.
Clients: Atlanta Regional Coommission, City of Chamberlee, and City of Doraville
Location: Atlanta, GA
Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners
Prime: Canvas Planning Group

Kansas City Urban Redevelopment Strategy
JS&A subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners on the Kansas City Catalytic Urban Redevelopment Initiative (part of the Urban Neighborhood Initiative), a socio-economic redevelopment initiative in a large, disinvested portion of Kansas City, MO commonly referred to as “east of Troost.” JS&A helped lead (a) a market analysis; (b) a comprehensive implementation strategy; (c) recommendations for the development of a new non-profit entity with sufficient capacity to lead the strategy; and (d) recommendations for developing a patient equity fund to invest in this change and to assist with predevelopment, acquisition and lending.
Client: Greater Kansas City Local Initiatives Support Corporation; City of Kansas City
Location: Kansas City, MO
Subcontractor for Mosaic Urban Partners
Prime: DRAW Architecture

Columbia Heights & Mt. Pleasant Retail Market Analysis and Enhancement Strategy
District Bridges retained JS&A to analyze the existing retail marketplace and identify anticipated future retail opportunities based on expected demographic and retail development projections. Recommendations and strategies to enhance retail conditions were oriented to help District Bridges bolster the capacity of the Main Street, better understand the needs of the diverse local community, and form lasting and mutually beneficial partnerships.
Clients: District Bridges
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Deanwood Retail Market Analysis and Enhancement Strategy
S&A analyzed the existing retail marketplace of Deanwood Heights and identified anticipated future retail opportunities based on expected demographic and retail development projections. Recommendations and strategies were developed to help the Ward 7 Business Partnership continue to improve commercial vibrancy in the neighborhood.
Clients: Ward 7 Business Partnership
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Retail Market Analysis and Support Strategy for Four New DC Main Street Programs
JS&A was retained by the Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) to conduct a retail market analysis for the four new Main Street programs in the District of Columbia: Georgetown Main Street; Upper 14th Street and Kennedy Street Main Street; Lower Georgia Avenue Main Street; and Minnesota Avenue Main Street. The analysis helped each program better understand their retail business constituency and identify their most pressing needs, concerns, and opportunities. JS&A developed specific actions each program can take to help support and enhance the local retail environment.
Clients: DC Dept. of Small and Local Business Development
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

North Capitol Main Street Retail Market Analysis and Commercial Support Strategy
JS&A was hired to help North Capitol Main Street (NCMS) understand the retail marketplace in the North Capitol, DC neighborhood and identify what changes could help better serve current and prospective business owners. This work included an analysis of the existing retail marketplace and identification of future retail opportunities expected from demographic and retail development projections. JS&A developed strategies for North Capitol Main Street to further enhance the vibrancy and commercial sustainability of the area.
Clients: North Capitol Main Street
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Feasibility Assessment for a Joint Main Street Program at Kennedy St and Upper 14th St
JS&A was retained to assess the feasibility of developing a new DC Main Street program for Upper 14th Street NW and Kennedy Street NW in Ward 4. Funded and overseen by the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD), this study outlines how a DC Main Street program could be implemented to benefit businesses along these two corridors. Based in part on these recommendations, a new program was formed, accredited, and funded by the District of Columbia in 2018.
Clients: Dept. of Small and Local Business Development
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Feasibility Study for a Main Street Program on Georgia Ave
JS&A secured our first competitively bid government contract as a prime consultant, under a grant issued by the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development. We led a team that included UHURU LLC and Barracks Row Main Street to analyze the feasibility for the District of Columbia to develop and fund a nonprofit Main Street organization to oversee Lower Georgia Ave, in DC.
Client: DC Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD)
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

DC Downtown East Re-Urbanization Strategy
As part of the DC Office Of Planning's Downtown East Re-Urbanization planning effort, JS&A served on a project team with Beyer Blinder Bell and Bay Area Economics to assess the opportunity to revitalize a downtown DC neighborhood characterized by government and nonprofit land uses. JS&A conducted a market analysis and real estate development opportunity assessment for all types of land uses within the study area.
Client: DC Office of Planning
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Beyer Blinder Bell

Old South Baton Rouge Economic Development Plan
The Old South Baton Rouge Community Dreaming Plan was overseen by the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge (ACGBR) and Center for Planning Excellence (CPEX) and had the charge of using the arts as a tool for regenerating economic development and civic engagement within the Old South Baton Rouge community. By preserving the community’s cultural heritage while providing resources for economic and quality of life opportunities, the project builds on revitalization efforts currently in progress. JS&A subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners and worked with the project team to lead and develop an economic development strategy and implementation plan.
Client: Center for Planning Excellence, Arts Council
Location: Baton Rouge, LA
Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners
Prime: Lord Cultural Resources

Mid City East Small Area Plan
The Mid City East Initiative is Small Area Plan and Livability Study, with community led planning process, for the neighborhoods of North Capitol Street, Rhode Island Avenue, Florida Avenue, New York Avenue and New Jersey Avenue. JS&A worked under Green Door Advisors, HR&A, and Smith Group JLL, conducted a real estate market analysis, and contributed toward a development opportunity analysis, affordable housing strategy, and commercial corridor redevelopment strategy.
Client: DC Office of Planning
Location: Washington, DC
Subcontracted for Green Door Advisors
Prime: Smith Group JLL

Eastover Sector Plan Redevelopment Strategy
The Sector Plan for the Forest Heights / Glass Manor area of Prince George’s County was conducted on behalf of the Maryland - National Parks and Planning Commission. The assignment focused on urban and environmental site design, transportation planning, and economic revitalization strategies. The consulting team was led by Cooper Carry, and Stover served as project manager for the economic revitalization component. Project deliverables included a comprehensive public involvement process, a neighbor-hood and corridor regeneration strategy, and illustrative design scenarios.
Client: Maryland - Nat'l Capital Park & Planning Comm.
Location: Prince George's County, MD
Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners
Prime: Cooper Carry

Southwest Neighborhood Plan
The goal of the Southwest Neighborhood Plan -- still underway -- is to provide public and private stakeholders a land use and urban design framework that will guide development for the neighborhood. The plan includes a development potential analysis and strategy for multiple underutilized District-owned sites, as well as key privately held opportunity sites. A major plan output is the recommendation of land use designations that will best facilitate a more efficient use or redevelopment of these target properties.
Client: DC Office of Planning
Location: Washington, DC
Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners
Prime: Ayers Saint Gross

CHASE Action Agenda
Contributed toward am economic development initiative for the Anacostia and Congress Heights neighborhoods of Washington, DC as part of a $3 million HUD Challenge Planning Grant. Stover managed the community engagement process that culminated in a community “resource fair” that connected neighborhood residents with available City resources. In addition, Stover managed the retail revitalization component of the project in which he developed a retail program implementation tool to streamline the city’s retail investments.
Clients: DC Office of Planning and DC Department of Housing and Community Development
Location: Washington, DC
Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners
Prime: Goody Clancy