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Project Experience:

Fiscal and Economic Impact Analysis

A common question for cities, nonprofits, and developers alike is how a proposed or existing real estate development project or economic development program will impact or has impacted its neighborhood or a city at large. JS&A conducts detailed fiscal and economic impact analysis to help clients understand how developments and initiatives will impact city revenues, expenses, job creation, and other economic, social, political, and physical implications. 

Country-Wide Main Street Program Mapping and Economic Analysis

JS&A completed a multi-phase assignment for the National Main Street Center (NMSC), helping them to (a) standardize and streamline the Reinvestment Statistics annual gathering process, (b) identify new metrics to better understand and communicate Main Street’s economic impacts, (c) and develop a process for tracking and evaluating the economic impact of Main Street programs across the country. JS&A mapped over 900 Main Street programs throughout the United States using GIS and created a comprehensive database of shapefiles for NMSC to leverage for future mapping and data collection purposes. These shapefiles were used collect and analyze economic data for each local program. NMSC was trained how to conduct this process in-house for future years. 

Clients: National Main Street Center

Location: USA-Wide 

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Economic Impact Assessment of Hershey Company Entities

JS&A estimated the impact multiple Hershey entities have on the local and regional economy: (1) The Milton S. Hershey Foundation; (2) The Milton S. Hershey Trust and the Milton Hershey; and (3) Hershey Entertainment and Resorts (HE&R). The three entities combined to generate nearly 16,441 jobs, $523.4 million in labor income, and $1.4 billion in sales in the greater Hershey region during the average year between 2005 and 2015.


Clients: Milton S. Hershey Foundation, Milton S. Hershey Trust and School, and Hershey Entertainment and Resorts

Prime: WTL+a and Retail Development Strategies

Quarry Redevelopment Fiscal and Economic Impact Analysis 

Retail & Development Strategies (RDS) was retained by P Park Development LLC and brought on JS&A as a subconsultant to estimate the projected fiscal and economic impact of a proposed quarry redevelopment in Prospect Park, New Jersey. At its completion, the Quarea, development project will include over 1,200 residential units, 100,000 square feet of retail space, and a variety of municipal buildings and community amenities.


Clients: P Park Development LLC

Location: Prospect Park, NJ

Subcontracted for Retail & Development Strategies 

2016 H Street Festival City & Neighborhood Impact Analysis

H Street Main Street (HSMS) retained JS&A to assess the fiscal and economic impact of the H Street Festival, hosted by HSMS on September 17, 2016. The annual event is part of a revitalization strategy that brings attention to the developing arts and entertainment district spanning 10 blocks of H Street NE. This year's festival featured more than 500 artists and performances on 14 stages plus an array of local, regional and international cuisine, shopping, arts exhibits, and educational events. The study details some of the primary ways that the festival impacts neighborhood businesses and city fiscal revenues.


Clients: H Street Main Street 

Location: Washington, DC

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Economic Impact of Ridership  on the H Street Streetcar Line

H Street Main Street (HSMS) retained JS&A to assess the economic impact of the The H/Benning Streetcar line on the corridor it serves. JS&A surveyed streetcar riders and representatives from corridor businesses, and leveraged ridership statistics from the District Department of Transportation. It is estimated that Streetcar operations resulted in approximately $660,600 in additional revenue for businesses located on the corridor over the course of the year. Most of this spending occurs at restaurants, followed by grocery stores and convenience shops.


Clients: H Street Main Street 

Location: Washington, DC

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Economic Impact Assessment of Florida's Indian River Lagoon

JS&A, subcontracting for WTL+a, was retained by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council of Stuart, FL, to conduct an economic impact analysis of the Indian River Lagoon in five counties along the east coast of Florida. The analysis helped establish the economic value and contribution of the IRL to the economies of the coastal counties in the region.


Clients: Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council

Location: Indian River County, St. Lucie County, Martin

County, and Palm Beach County, FL

Prime: WTL+a

Reunion Square Market Analysis, Community Benefits Assessment, and Tax Revenue Analysis

Four Points LLC retained JS&A to assess the expected impact that the Reunion Square redevelopment will have on the Anacostia neighborhood and the District of Columbia as a whole. This study included three tasks: (1) market analysis; (2) economic and neighborhood impact analysis; and (3) a detailed tax revenue assessment. In addition to increasing the tax base and supporting the local economy, the project will generate several other important public benefits that serve the Anacostia neighborhood and surrounding communities.


Clients: Four Points LLC

Location: Washington, DC

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Fiscal Impact Analysis of the Connected City Master Plan

JS&A supported WTL+a in serving as economic advisors to Metro Development Group on its “Connected City” project in Pasco County, FL. Connected City is a proposed 50-year mixed-use development on a 7,800-acre site in the Tampa, FL metropolitan area. It is distinguished by gigabyte and Smart Grid technology and will include over 37,000 housing units, 5.6 million sf of retail space, 5.3 million sf of office space, and 1.9 million sf of industrial space at completion. JS&A assessed Connected City’s expected fiscal and economic impacts on Pasco County’s General Fund operations over a 50-year buildout, helping the project achieve unanimous approval by the Development Review Committee and Board of County Commissioners.


Clients: Pasco County

Location: Pasco County, FL

Subcontracted for WTL+a

National Main Street Center Data Enhancement 

JS&A was retained by NMSC to build off previous work conducted by JS&A. Tasks included revising the NMSC's reinvestment statistics questionnaire; reviewing boundary maps with local Main Streets and coordinating programs; re-pulling data for revised and newly-mapped programs; and creating standardized templates for NMSC to provide boundary maps and summary sheets to Main Streets. 


Clients: National Main Street Center

Location: USA-Wide 

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Main Street Program Statewide Fiscal Impact Analysis 

NMSC commissioned JS&A to evaluate the relationship between public funding for Main Street programs and the incremental state or local tax revenue attributable to these programs. An analysis of government spending on Main Street programs in the city of Boston and the states of Washington, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania showed a significant positive fiscal return on investment. Each entity collects more tax revenue as a result of the economic impact of their Main Street programs than the amount of money spent on these programs.


Clients: National Main Street Center

Location: Pennsylvania, Washington, Oklahoma, and the

City of Boston 

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Pineland Prarie Masterplan Fiscal and Economic Impact

JS&A worked with WTL+a to analyze the anticipated economic and fiscal impacts of the proposed Pineland Prarie large-scale masterplan development on Martin County, Florida. 

Clients: Martin County

Location: Martin County, FL

Subcontractor to WTL+a

2017 H Street Festival Fiscal and Economic Impact Analysis

H Street Main Street retained JS&A to assess the fiscal and economic impact of the 2017 H Street Festival. The H Street Festival generated an estimated $6.1 million of additional spending along the corridor during the festival. The event generated $2.1 million in salaries and the equivalent of 56 full-time positions in addition to approximately $740,600 in tax revenue for the District.


Clients: H Street Main Street 

Location: Washington, DC

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Hechinger Mall Site Visioning and Redevelopment Economic, Fiscal, and Community Impact 

JS&A worked with a project team overseen by H Street Main Street to envision a redevelopment opportunity for an underutilized shopping mall at a key intersection in the H Street neighborhood in Washington, DC. JS&A helped develop a realistic yet visionary development program, conducted a detailed assessment of the ways in which the program would impact the local and city-wide community, and undertook an engagement effort to communicate the opportunity at hand and incorporate stakeholder feedback before working more closely with site owners and city officials.


Clients: H Street Main Street 

Location: Washington, DC

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Nighttime Economy Impact Assessment Best Practices and Strategic Recommendations

In partnership with the Responsible Hospitality Institute (RHI), Jon Stover & Associates (JS&A) evaluated existing best practices for measuring the economic impact of nighttime economies. Based on these findings, JS&A developed a streamlined process to quantify the role of the nighttime sector of a city or neighborhood's economy to be as resource-efficient, useful, and actionable as possible. 


Clients: Responsible Hospitality Institute

Location: Washington, DC

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

MEDC data collection strategy, resource guide, training, and program fiscal impact analysis

JS&A was retained by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) to build off of previous JS&A work by undertaking the following (currently underway):

• Recommend how MEDC and local programs can best collect, evaluate, and utilize selected additional metrics;

• Create a data collection resource guide to help program leadership understand how to collect and use data;

• Conduct an in-person data collection and utilization training session with program leadership; and

• Completed a detailed assessment of the Michigan Main Street Program’s fiscal and economic impact.​

Clients: Michigan Economic Development Corporation

Location: Michigan

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

DC Main Street Economic Impact and Fiscal ROI Analysis

JS&A evaluated the financial resources DC has allocated toward H Street Main Street and Barracks Row Main Street, the fiscal benefit collected via tax revenues as a result of this investment, and the strength and rate of this return on investment. Combined, the two programs have helped generate $7.2 million in sales tax, income tax, and corporate tax revenues. The project methodology and findings, overseen by the District Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD), has been presented by JS&A at multiple conferences and speaking engagements.

Clients: H Street Main Street and Barracks Row Main Street

Location: Washington, DC

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Grimke School Redevelopment City Impact Analysis

JS&A was retained by Roadside Development and Sorg Architects to support their redevelopment proposal for the Grimke School and African American Civil War Museum, just off U Street NW. The team was selected as the winner by former Mayor Gray and current Mayor Bowser. The redevelopment will build off of the local cultural heritage and enhance U Street's role as an arts hub while providing a new restaurant, 44 new residential units, and facilities for three local performing arts organizations. JS&A evaluated four ways in which the redevelopment will impact the District of Columbia: job generation; city tax revenues; city expenses; and its influence on the arts and the creative economy. 


Client: Roadside Development and Sorg Architects

Location: Washington, DC

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Alexandria, VA Housing Redevelopment Proposals 

Conducted a Fiscal and Economic Impact Analysis for Clark Realty Capital as part of their proposal in response to the Alexadnria Redevelopment & Housing Authority's (ARHA) RFP for the redevelopment of multiple residential properties in Alexandria, VA. JS&A calculated the expected fiscal and economic impact of the proposed development programs, including job creation, tax revenues to the city government, and new annual public expenditures.  


Client: Clark Realty Capital

Location: Alexandria, VA

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates 

Walter Reed Army Hospital Redevelopment 

JS&A subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners, development advisor to the District of Columbia for the 68-acre Walter Reed Army Medical Center reuse plan. Plans call for up to 2,000 residential units, 200,000 square feet of retail space, 750,000 square feet of office space, nonprofit users, 40 acres of open space, and light rail and bike access. JS&A completed a market demand analysis, a fiscal and economic impact analysis, and provided recommendations regarding development feasibility and strategy.

Client: Deputy Mayors Office for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED)

Location: Washington, DC

Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners

H Street Neighborhood Real Estate Development Update

H Street Main Street (HSMS) hired JS&A to provide information and analysis on both current and proposed development projects within the study context. JS&A identified and described these projects along with new business openings and other investments within and immediately surrounding the neighborhood. JS&A also assessed the implications and expected impact of this new investment on the H Street area neighborhood.


Clients: H Street Main Street

Location: Washington, DC

Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

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