Jon Stover & Associates
Bridging the Gap Between Business, Local Government, Nonprofits, and the Community

JS&A has helped developers and city agencies position development projects of all sizes and land use types. We can help a developer understand a site's highest and best use, expected demand for each land use type, and the quantity and orientation of each land use that will maximize profit and align with demand.
Project Experience: Development Feasibility and Positioning

1000 Lake Ave Development Feasibility and Positioning
The Lake Worth CRA owns the building located at 1000 Lake Avenue in Lake Worth, Florida, a historic structure built in 1927. The CRA hopes to redevelop the building and secured a variety of potential funding sources to assist in the process. The CRA conducted studies to assess estimated site development and design considerations. JS&A was retained to help inform CRA decision making by conducting an in-depth market analysis, determining an optimal land use arrangement, and estimating anticipated revenues on site.
Client: Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Agency
Location: Lake Worth, FL
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Walter Reed Army Hospital Redevelopment
As a subcontractor under Mosaic Urban Partners, served as development advisor to the District of Columbia for the Walter Reed Army Medical Center reuse plan. 67.5 acres of the Walter Reed base will be purchased from the army by the District and converted into a master-planned development via a private developer. Plans call for up to 2,000 residential units, 200,000 square feet of retail space, 750,000 square feet of office space, nonprofit users, 40 acres of open space, and light rail and bike access. Completed a market demand analysis and a fiscal and economic impact analysis, and provided recommendations regarding development feasibility and strategy.
Client: Deputy Mayors Office for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED)
Location: Washington, DC
Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners

1000 Lake Financial Analysis and Development Scenarios
The Lake Worth CRA owns and hopes to redevelop a historic building located at 1000 Lake Avenue in Lake Worth, Florida. JS&A, in partnership with Strada Group, completed a detailed financial analysis including a pro forma analysis of potential deal structures and corresponding project costs, equity and debt sources, tax credit feasibility, revenue streams, and more. The team evaluated a variety of public-private funding structures and funding sources that includes Historic Tax Credits, New Markets Tax Credits, and Low Income Housing Tax Credits.
Clients: Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Agency
Location: Lake Worth, FL
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates
Subcontractor: Strada Group LLC

Reunion Square Market Analysis, Community Benefits Assessment, and Tax Revenue Analysis
Four Points LLC retained JS&A to assess the expected impact that the Reunion Square redevelopment will have on the Anacostia neighborhood and the District of Columbia as a whole. This study included three tasks: (1) market analysis; (2) economic and neighborhood impact analysis; and (3) a detailed tax revenue assessment. In addition to increasing the tax base and supporting the local economy, the project will generate several other important public benefits that serve the Anacostia neighborhood and surrounding communities.
Clients: Four Points LLC
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Analysis and Strategy for the Creation of a Makerspace in DC
The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) retained JS&A to assess the opportunity for establishing an Innovation Space as a District-sponsored initiative to support the local maker community. The report evaluates opportunities – and recommends a strategy moving forward – to develop a centralized makerspace for members to work in and as well as a space display and sell products.
Clients: Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Site Valuation for 13701 Laurel Bowie Road
The Redevelopment Authority of Prince George's County, MD owns a 10-acre "Park-N-Ride" lot in Laurel, MD that includes bus facilities. JS&A was retained as a subcontractor for Mosaic Urban Partners to provide a basic land valuation for the site based on a review of nearby land sales; an evaluation of likely site plans and development typologies a buyer would likely build on site; and corresponding achievable on-site revenues.
Client: Redevelopment Authority of Prince George's County
Location: Laurel, MD
Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners

DC Downtown East Re-Urbanization Strategy
As part of the DC Office Of Planning's Downtown East
Re-Urbanization planning effort, JS&A served on a project team with Beyer Blinder Bell and Bay Area Economics to assess the opportunity to revitalize a downtown DC neighborhood characterized by government and nonprofit land uses. JS&A conducted a market analysis and real estate development opportunity assessment for all types of land uses within the study area including a financial analysis of the opportunity to convert downtown office buildings to residential land use.
Client: DC Office of Planning
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Beyer Blinder Bell

Eastover Sector Plan Redevelopment Strategy
The Sector Plan for the Forest Heights / Glass Manor area of Prince George’s County was conducted on behalf of the Maryland - National Parks and Planning Commission. The assignment focused on urban and environmental site design, transportation planning, and economic revitalization strategies. The consulting team was led by Cooper Carry, and Stover served as project manager for the economic revitalization component. Project deliverables included a comprehensive public involvement process, a neighborhood and corridor regeneration strategy, and illustrative design scenarios.
Client: Maryland - Nat'l Capital Park & Planning Comm.
Location: Prince George's County, MD
Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners
Prime: Cooper Carry

Charter School Site Location Suitability Analysis
Analyzed the suitability of five site locations for charter school development for the Knowledge is Power Program charter school system in Washington, DC (KIPP DC). Created an assessment system – applied to all five sites – that incorporated commuting patterns, demographics, and nearby land uses and amenities.
Client: KIPP DC
Location: Washington, DC
Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners

Feasibility and Approvals Analysis for a Coffee Shop at the Washington Family Church
Washington Family Church, in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of Washington, DC, is considering building a coffee shop or café on site as away to generate additional revenues to the church and also as a way to further engage the local community and provide a new neighborhood amenity. The church retained JS&A to help them fully understand the financial and development feasibility of such a project, as well as navigate the approvals process.
Client: Washington Family Church
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

60 State Street Restaurant Opportunity Assessment
Assessed market opportunities for the commercial component of a proposed mixed-use conversion of the historic Key Bank building in downtown Albany. Analysis satisfied the guidelines of the New York Main Streets Program Anchor Grant, and evaluated the physical location, competitive supply, and expected market demand impacts on implementation of a high-end restaurant.
Client: Gordon Development
Location: Albany, NY
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates