Jon Stover & Associates
Bridging the Gap Between Business, Local Government, Nonprofits, and the Community

Project Experience:
Marketing, Branding, and Business Technical Assistance
Marketing and branding are important components of helping businesses, nonprofits, and initiatives thrive. We have helped neighborhoods distinguish themselves and enhance neighborhood pride, we have helped developers communicate their development aspirations, and we have helped community development organizations communicate their role in helping their community. Frequently, we work directly with the business community in developing and executing marketing or branding campaigns, as well as other types of technical assistance that help businesses advertising to larger consumer bases, bring in additional customer traffic, or help change people’s perceptions about a location.
Rhode Island Ave Main Street Start-Up Marketing Materials
Developed a range of marketing materials for the newly-formed Rhode Island Avenue NE Main Street to help engage the community and communicate the role of the new organization. Materials included an outreach mailer, a marketing brochure, and an annual report. See an online version of the the annual report here:
Client: Rhode Island Avenue NE Main Street
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates
Click on this image
to view the full
brochure online
Barracks Row Marketing and Business Retention Brochure
Developed a marketing brochure for Barracks Row Main Street to help the organization communicate its activities and the neighborhood's advantages to a wide variety of audiences, including potential shoppers, current businesses, and prospective future commercial tenants. Please click on the image to the left to view an online version of the Barracks Row brochure.
Client: Barracks Row Main Street
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Concept Development of the Crystal Pike Planning Corridor
JS&A was engaged by the Crystal City BID to help the nonprofit refine and articulate the Crystal Pike Corridor concept. JS&A developed a visually-oriented summary report geared toward a range of public stakeholders to communicate the need for the development of the Crystal Pike concept, especially as a tool for Arlington County transit planning and economic development.
Clients: Cystal City Business Improvement District
Location: Arlington, VA
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Near Northside Marketing and Branding Strategy
Completed a community marketing plan for the Northside neighborhood of Houston, TX. The plan was overseen by NeighborWorks America and completed in partnership with a local nonprofit housing organization, Avenue Community Development Corporation, as part of the Stable Community Initiative's "Community Marketing Program."
Clients: NeighborWorks America
Location: Houston, TX
Subconsultant for Mosaic Urban Partners

Southwest Detroit Marketing and Branding Strategy
Completed a community marketing plan for a group of neighborhoods in Southwest Detroit. The plan was overseen by NeighborWorks America and completed in partnership with a local nonprofit housing organization, Southwest Housing Solutions, as part of the Stable Community Initiative's "Community Marketing Program."
Clients: NeighborWorks America
Location: Detroit, MI
Subconsultant for Mosaic Urban Partners

Lamar Station Marketing
Provided technical assistance in the development of a marketing brochure for Lamar Station Crossing, a mixed-income, mixed-use apartment community that is pursuing LEED Gold (New Construction) and LEED Gold (Neighborhood Development) certification.
Clients: Metro West Housing Solutions
Location: Lakewood, CO
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Barracks Row Small Business Needs Assessment, Resource Allocation, & Implementation
Completed an assessment that helped Barracks Row Main Street assess which commerical establishments in their jurisdiction were best suited to receive small business technical assistance funding. JS&A was then commissioned to manage the implementation of the
technical assistance: some businesses received marketing audits and worked with a marketing firm to develop marketing strategies; and other businesses received website and social media assistance. JS&A also generated a program evaluation tool to track and evaluate the success of the technical assistance implementation.
Client: Barracks Row Main Street
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Cleveland Park Marketing, Branding, & Capacity Building
The DC Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and economic Development (DMPED) retained JS&A to implement recommendations from a prior JS&A study aimed at enhancing the capacity of the Cleveland Park Business Association and increasing the customer base of area businesses. Components include working with CPBA to develop a brand strategy, creating an organizational strategic plan, attracting new businesses, and implementing a comprehensive marketing effort.
Clients: DC Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development; Cleveland Park Business Assoc.
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Greater Brookland BID Feasibility Assessment and Implementation Management
Stakeholders in the Rhode Island Avenue and Brookland communities retained JS&A to evaluate the opportunity to create a BID to support the needs of the area's growing business community. JS&A completed a detailed financial and operational assessment for a potential BID and is in the process of helping local leaders to reach out to stakeholders; recommend an ideal operational structure, programming, and operating budget; and develop a strategic plan to guide its implementation and first years of operation. (Project currently underway)
Clients: Friends of Rhode Island Avenue; Local Initiatives Support Corporation; neighborhood stakeholders
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

CHASE Action Agenda
Contributed toward am economic development initiative for the Anacostia and Congress Heights neighborhoods of Washington, DC as part of a $3 million HUD Challenge Planning Grant. Stover managed the community engagement process that culminated in a community “resource fair” that connected neighborhood residents with available City resources. In addition, Stover managed the retail revitalization component of the project in which he developed a retail program implementation tool to streamline the city’s retail investments.
Clients: DC Office of Planning and DC Department of Housing and Community Development
Location: Washington, DC
Subconsultant for Mosaic Urban Partners
Prime: Goody Clancy

Georgetown Main Street Program Brochure and Resource Guide
Georgetown Main Street (GMS) was formed in the fall of 2017. JS&A was retained to help the program identify and introduce itself to current and future stakeholders, communicate organizational objectives, connect current and prospective business owners with available resources, and build lasting relationships with its local constituency. The project consisted of two primary tasks (underway):
• Develop a resource guide to help program leadership and stakeholders understand available business resources.
• Create a marketing brochure articulating organizational goals, programs, partnership opportunities, and more.
Clients: Georgetown Main Street
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates