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Project Experience:

Public Planning Initiatives

JS&A has been a key contributor on small area plans, sector plans, economic development initiatives, and many other types of public planning projects for a range of city and county agencies. For these projects we often partner with firms that specialize in urban design, urban planning, architecture and landscape design, historic preservation, transportation, engineering, and other related fields. For this type of work, JS&A often conducts market analysis, development opportunity analysis, land use and development recommendations, economic development strategies, stakeholder engagement, and coordination between these diverse areas of expertise. See some recent project examples below.

DC Downtown East Re-Urbanization Strategy 

As part of the DC Office Of Planning's Downtown East

Re-Urbanization planning effort, JS&A served on a project team with Beyer Blinder Bell and Bay Area Economics to assess the opportunity to revitalize a downtown DC neighborhood characterized by government and nonprofit land uses. JS&A conducted a market analysis and real estate development opportunity assessment for all types of land uses within the study area. 


Client: DC Office of Planning

Location: Washington, DC

Prime: Beyer Blinder Bell

Downtown Lake Worth Arts and Culture Master Plan 

Jon Stover & Associates was selected as part of a team with Lord Cultural Resources to undertake the Downtown Lake Worth Arts and Culture Master Plan. Overseen by the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County, the Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA), and the City of Lake Worth, the Master Plan aims to leverage a growing local arts scene as a central part of the greater downtown

economic development strategy. JS&A conducted a market analysis including demographic projections, a cultural enhancement and economic development strategy, and a detailed implementation plan.  

Clients: Cultural Council of Palm Beach County, City of Lake Worth, Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Agency

Location: Lake Worth, FL

Prime: Lord Cultural Resources

Mid City East Small Area Plan

The Mid City East Initiative is Small Area Plan and Livability Study, with community led planning process, for the neighborhoods of North Capitol Street, Rhode Island Avenue, Florida Avenue, New York Avenue and New Jersey Avenue. JS&A worked under Green Door Advisors, HR&A, and Smith Group JLL, conducted a real estate market analysis, and contributed toward a development opportunity analysis, affordable housing strategy, and commercial corridor redevelopment strategy.  


Client: DC Office of Planning 

Location: Washington, DC

Subcontracted for Green Door Advisors

Prime: Smith Group JLL

Economic Generators Study

The Economic Generators and Catalysts study identified key high growth industry sectors in Prince George's County that have the capacity to contribute to economic growth and development in the county. The study assessed regional commercial real estate market activity and analyzed the county’s key economic competitive advantages and challenges toward attracting strategic high-growth industries. Stover developed a methodology that identified and compared over 20 evaluation criteria across 33 geographic submarkets and identified locations that are ideal for County investment and planning support. 

Client: Maryland - Nat'l Capital Park & Planning Comm.

Location: Prince George's County, MD

Subcontracted for Green Door Advisors

Prime: Battelle

Eastover Sector Plan Redevelopment Strategy

The Sector Plan for the Forest Heights / Glass Manor area of Prince George’s County was conducted  on behalf of the Maryland - National Parks and Planning Commission. The assignment focused on urban and environmental site design, transportation planning, and economic revitalization strategies. The consulting team was led by Cooper Carry, and Stover served as project manager for the economic revitalization component. Project deliverables included a comprehensive public involvement process, a neighborhood and corridor regeneration strategy, and illustrative design scenarios.


Client: Maryland - Nat'l Capital Park & Planning Comm.

Location: Prince George's County, MD

Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners 

Prime: Cooper Carry

Southwest Neighborhood Plan

The goal of the Southwest Neighborhood Plan -- still underway -- is to provide public and private stakeholders a land use and urban design framework that will guide development for the neighborhood. The plan includes a development potential analysis and strategy for multiple underutilized District-owned sites, as well as key privately held opportunity sites. A major plan output is the recommendation of land use designations that will best facilitate a more efficient use or redevelopment of these target properties. 


Client: DC Office of Planning

Location: Washington, DC

Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners

Prime: Ayers Saint Gross

CHASE Action Agenda

Contributed toward an economic development initiative for the Anacostia and Congress Heights neighborhoods of Washington, DC as part of a $3 million HUD Challenge Planning Grant. Stover managed the community engagement process that culminated in a community “resource fair” that connected neighborhood residents with available City resources. In addition, Stover managed the retail revitalization component of the project in which he developed a retail program implementation tool to streamline the city’s retail investments.


Clients: DC Office of Planning and DC Department of Housing and Community Development

Location: Washington, DC

Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners

Prime: Goody Clancy

Kansas City Urban Redevelopment Strategy 

JS&A served as a subconsultant under Mosaic Urban Partners on the Kansas City Catalytic Urban Redevel-opment Initiative (part of the Urban Neighborhood Initiative (UNI)), a socio-economic redevelopment initiative in a large, declining, and dis-invested portion of Kansas City, MO commonly referred to as “east of Troost.” JS&A helped lead the following project components: 

1) Market analysis and stakeholder coordination; 

2) A comprehensive implementation strategy;
3) Recommendations for the development of a new non-profit entity with sufficient capacity to lead the strategy; &
4) Recommendations for developing a patient equity fund of $25-$50 million to invest in this catalytic change and to assist with predevelopment, acquisition and lending.

Client: Clark Realty Capital

Location: Kansas City, MO

Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners

Real Estate Analysis to  Inform Prince George's County County-Wide Zoning Rewrite 

The Prince George’s County Planning Department (“County Planning”), in coordination with M-NCPPC, is undertaking a comprehensive rewrite of the County’s Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations. Mosaic Urban Partners was hired under Clarion Associates to provide additional qualitative insights on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of developing high-quality projects in Prince George’s County. These insights should help County decision makers in their review of the proposed Zoning Rewrite. JS&A subcontracted to develop a review of available economic development incentives and real estate financing tools available in Prince George’s County as well as a series of market analyses to help Prince George’s County decision makers create more effective zoning and development policies. The analyses recommend how specific policies can be altered to better align with real estate market realities, constraints, and trends.

Client: MD-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Location: Prince George's County, MD

Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners

Prime: Clarion Associates

Buford Highway Masterplan Real Estate & Demographic Analysis 

The Buford Highway Masterplan is part of the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) and aims to revitalize and enhance the Buford Highway corridor. JS&A was retained as a subconsultant to Mosaic Urban Partners and Canvas Planning Group. JS&A conducted a market analysis to gather and synthesize information in order to support decision-making for the Buford Highway Corridor Joint Livable Center Initiative. Findings were summarized in a report detailing neighborhood demographics, real estate conditions and trends, and planned development projects to better understand the constituency that is being served and understand the opportunities and limitations for real estate development along the Buford Highway Corridor.

Clients: Atlanta Regional Coommission, City of Chamberlee, and City of Doraville

Location: Atlanta, GA

Subcontracted for Mosaic Urban Partners

Prime: Canvas Planning Group

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