Jon Stover & Associates
Bridging the Gap Between Business, Local Government, Nonprofits, and the Community

Project Experience:
Project Coordination and Support
For us, project management is about guiding a client through a project or completing a task on a client's behalf. We are often approached by organizations who are restricted because their staff is over capacity, they lack expertise in a certain area, they are stifled by opposition, or they are facing any other obstacle that prevents them from achieving their objectives. JS&A helps to facilitate projects by leveraging our extensive experience in the field, by providing services in a more economical fashion than many organizations can achieve in-house, and by communicating with other entities in a way that may pose as a challenge or conflict of interest for a client to do themselves.

Development of Student Intern
Program to Conduct Streetscape & Pedestrian Count Assessments
H Street Main Street (HSMS) retained JS&A to help the organization best leverage the capacity of their student interns over the course of the summer of 2017 to help meet the needs of HSMS and serve the interests of the business community along H Street NE, Bladensburg Road NE, and Benning Road NE. JS&A developed a curriculum and trained interns to assess and report streetscape conditions to the Department of Public Works and provide updated pedestrian count data to HSMS.
Clients: H Street Main Street
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Municipal Procurement Opportunity Assessment
Guided Lutron, an international lighting controls company, in the process of securing public sector contracts in the City of Philadelphia, PA.
Client: Lutron Electronics, Inc.
Location: Philadelphia, PA
For: Jon Stover & Associates

Charter School Site Location Suitability Analysis
Analyzed the suitability of five site locations for charter school development for the Knowledge is Power Program charter school system in Washington, DC (KIPP DC). Created an assessment system – applied to all five sites – that incorporated commuting patterns, demographics, and nearby land uses and amenities.
Client: KIPP DC
Location: Washington, DC
Subcontractor for Mosaic Urban Partners
Shaw BID Feasibility Analysis
and Implementation Support
The Shaw neighborhood is undergoing a massive amount of business growth and new real estate development, which has created an opportunity for the creation of a business improvement district (BID) to better serve it's constituents. Shaw Main Street (SMS) retained JS&A to evaluate the opportunity to create a BID to support the needs of its business community. JS&A completed a detailed financial and operational assessment and is in the process of helping SMS to reach out to neighborhood stakeholders; recommend an ideal operational structure, programming, and operating budget; and develop a strategic plan to guide its implementation and first years of operation. (Project currently underway)
Clients: Shaw Main Streets
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

National Main Street Center Data Resource Guide
National Main Street Center retained JS&A to create a resource guide is to help educate Main Street leadership about National Main Street Center’s Reinvestment Statistics and Transformation Strategy Metrics, guide programs on how to collect and track this data, and demonstrate how programs can leverage their statistics and metrics to assess program operations and help real program-specific goals.
Clients: National Main Street Center
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Nighttime Economy Impact Assessment Best Practices, Strategic Recommendations, and Data Collection Template
In partnership with the Responsible Hospitality Institute (RHI), Jon Stover & Associates (JS&A) evaluated existing best practices for measuring the economic impact of nighttime economies. Based on these findings, JS&A developed a streamlined process to quantify the role of the nighttime sector of a city or neighborhood's economy to be as resource-efficient, useful, and actionable as possible.
Clients: Responsible Hospitality Institute
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Cleveland Park Business Assoc. Technical Assistance: Marketing, Branding, and Capacity Building
In 2016 JS&A completed a retail enhancement strategy for the Cleveland Park neighborhood on behalf of the DC Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Develop-ment. DMPED retained JS&A to implement recommendations
from that study aimed at enhancing the capacity of the Cleveland Park Business Association and increasing the customer base of area businesses. Components include working with CPBA to develop a brand strategy, creating an organizational strategic plan, attracting new businesses, and implementing a comprehensive marketing effort.
Clients: DC Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development; Cleveland Park Business Association
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Greater Brookland BID Feasibility Assessment and Implementation Management
Stakeholders in the Rhode Island Avenue and Brookland communities retained JS&A to evaluate the opportunity to create a BID to support the needs of the area's growing business community. JS&A completed a detailed financial and operational assessment for a potential BID and is in the process of helping local leaders to reach out to neighborhood stakeholders; recommend an ideal operational structure, programming, and operating budget; and develop a strategic plan to guide its implementation and first years of operation. (Project currently underway)
Clients: Friends of Rhode Island Avenue; Local Initiatives Support Corporation; neighborhood stakeholders
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

H Street NE BID Feasibility Analysis and Implementation
The H Street neighborhood is undergoing a massive amount of business growth and new real estate develop-ment, which has created an opportunity for the creation of a business improvement district (BID) to better serve it's constituents. H Street Main Street (HSMS) retained JS&A to evaluate the opportunity to create a BID to support the needs of the greater H Street NE business community. JS&A completed a detailed financial and operational assessment and is in the process of helping HSMS to reach out to neighborhood stakeholders; recommend an ideal operational structure, programming, and operating budget; and develop a strategic plan to guide its implementation and first years of operation. (Project currently underway)
Clients: H Street Main Street
Location: Washington, DC
Prime: Jon Stover & Associates

Instructional Case Studies:
Anchor Institutions as Economic Development Drivers
Completed six instructional cases for the Institute for Urban Research at the University of Pennsylvania. These cases explore the intricate development processes of major urban institutional buildings, as well as the political, financial, and operational relationships between the public sector, the private sector, and nonprofit organizations. The cases were published as an online educational tool by the University of Pennsylvania.
Client: University of Pennsylvania
Location: Miami, Philadelphia, Washington, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and San Jose
For: Jon Stover & Associates